This well known quote by Vince Lombardi really goes to the heart of what makes the difference between those who accomplish their goals and those who do not. I have experienced this truth in my own life and seen it in my clients’ lives as I encourage them to consistently follow through on their dreams.
There are so many options there are that are designed to help keep us on track with our goals. As a goal-setting enthusiast, I found myself irresistibly drawn to each one I came across while researching for this post!
However, no matter what system you choose, it all boils down to actually using the system. Research and personal experience prove the incredible benefits of taking the time to step away from your work and day- to- day routine to focus on long- terms goals and plans. Yet so few of us do it.
Over the past few years I have come to see the value of goal setting more and more, for my own life and success as well as for that of my clients. What we think about we bring about! So, we need to pay attention to what we think about. Those who know me know that I focus a lot on the importance of paying attention to our thoughts.
Emotions have energy. When we approach life and situations with positive energy and expectations, we gain more access to solutions, creativity and joy. When we feel negative, we shut the door to those solutions and become blinded by the darkness. This makes it more difficult to accomplish our goals and overcome difficulties.
Being in a positive frame of mind is also the best way to approach goal setting and planning our future. To quote Les Brown,”Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life.”
I have a 7-step plan for accomplishing our goals. Keep in mind that while I say steps, they often happen simultaneously. I’ll go into each below, followed by a section that details some techniques to assist you on your journey.
The Seven Steps
Define your core values.
Creating your goals based on your core values can fortify you when the going gets tough. Believing in your goals with all your heart can provide the extra motivation you need when it matters most.
Grow your mindset.
If we lack confidence in ourselves, we will give up more easily. Take some time to dive into any limiting beliefs that might stop you from fully realizing your goal.
Have a goal.
Many people fail to take this important step so they live by default, not by design Life “happens” to them, often in less than optimal ways. Setting goals is a critical step on the path to greater success.
Have a plan.
The plans will often change, but you need to put some methods in place for getting where you want to go. Many of us have great ideas in the shower. It’s taking those ideas to implementation that separates the doers from the dreamers.
Have faith.
This is so critical. The journey is as important as the goal itself. Who you are being as you go after your goals will determine whether you travel the path with joy or with trepidation. Faith will comfort you in the middle of the night like nothing else.
Have support.
You will come across trials and tribulations. This is a given. There will also be joys and victories. Having someone there to cheer you on will make a significant difference in the speed and pleasure with which you move.
Be persistent.
Few goals are accomplished by giving up! You may need to adjust the goal or tweak the plan but when you have the right mindset and firm values to back you up, you’ll keep going until you accomplish your dream.
Now that you have a 7-step plan to help set you up to accomplish your goals, here are some resources to guide you along the way.
Core Values
Defining your fundamental principals provides you with clear guidance when making decisions. This is true from deciding what to eat to what career to create. We gain consistency in our behavor and actions, which builds trust and reinforces integrity. They give us a sense of purpose and direction to help us be persistent and stay true to ourselves.
Since many of us are not coherent about our underlying values, I have created a worksheet to help you clarify your own set of foundational beliefs. I encourage you to turn this into an enjoyable and enlightening exercise!
Doubt has stopped many people from accomplishing their goals. We have the power to improve and grow a more positive mindset. The one thing in our lives that we can control is our perception. How we see ourselves is critical to how successful we become.
There are many benefits to working on increasing our sense of worthiness and value. When we approach a problem or issue with the belief that we can find a solution, we are more creative and resiliant. We also become more attractive to others when we are upbeat and fun, and experience improved interactions with others.
Some people benefit from a natual self-confidence. For those who would like to increase your self-esteem, I have created a worksheet to help you work through some of your limiting beliefs.
Goal Setting
I have to confess that while we set company goals every year, I didn’t focus on my own goals until I studied to become a John Maxwell Certified Leadership Coach and read John’s books. He is very disciplined about it, as is evident in both his books and his personal stories. My favorite book for this is “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth“which starts with The Law of Intentionality. He advises taking the time to reflect and think about our lives with more perspective, looking at situations from all angles. Look beyond our immediate inclinations. We are so busy running from task to task, diversion to diversion, that we neglect the important element of just thinking things through. Focusing on journalling and reflection has had a tremendous impact on my life and has helped me accomplish many more goals.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey is a classic will benefit anyone. “Begin with the end in mind” is one of his most famous quotes. He promotes being proactive and prioritizing important tasks. I highly recommend this for many.
I’ve both been in and conducted masterminds on Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It’s a life changer. He stresses the importance of finding your “burning desire” and a clear goal, backed by persistence and faith. He introduced the concepts of masterminds as a highly effective format for achieving goals collaboratively.
It starts with simply understanding that a goal not written down is a dream. Make the commitment to find the time and write down your goals! Of course, I have a worksheet for that as well!
There are so many systems for working on plans. Starting with SMART goals is one way. Make sure your plans are
- Specific and Significant
- Measurable and Motivating
- Attainable and Achievable
- Relevant and Reasonable
- Time Sensitive and Timely
Then we have planners – all kinds of planners. I have experimented with many of them. I suggest that you keep looking for one that will suit you. As I have evolved, so has my system for planning. Keep evaluating to make sure that you are using it consistently.
No matter what method, it’s important to start with a plan, even if it’s written on a piece of paper!
For this, you need to think about who would be a good support person, people or team for you? What do you want out of your support team? I have several people that I use. One person I meet with several times a week to do an in-depth book review of books that tie directly into our beliefs and goals. I created a mini mastermind of 2 other coaches. We meet every other week to share successes and challenges. I have my own business coach. Of course, I have close friends and family. I am grateful for all of them.
Who can you turn to? Take some time to think about what you want and who could supply it and then ask for help!
There are no simple tools for this. I find and hold my faith by a variety of methods. Books and YouTube videos by Esther Hicks, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra to name a few. I do go to church and sing in the choir. (Chorus only – I don’t do solos!) I meditate. I use the app Insight Timer, which has thousands of free meditations.
Faith is one of the best backbones for holding you up when life gets hard. “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” Saint Augustine
And because I can’t say it any better – read more inspiring quotes at
Finally, stay in the game! Many obstacles and challenges will inevitably come your way. “Winners never quit and quitters never win”, so perfectly put by the great Vince Lombardi. “You are sure to fail if you give up.” When you hit those walls, revisit the goals, rewrite the plans, call for support and keep the faith.
We are capable of so much more than we think we are! I keep finding new and higher goals to go for and it makes life fun, exciting and, yes, challenging. I just keep circling back and staying focused.
I’m always here to help you accomplish your goals with plans, faith and support so you too feel the satisfaction of persistence and achievement!For more information, read my bio here.